CEDH Decks
Tymna Kraum
Tymna Kraum (Blue Farm) is a midrange deck combining strong card draw and interaction with explosive combo wins.
Godo, Bandit Warlord is a cEDH commander that tutors equipment like Helm of the Host to enable an explosive and deterministic infinite combat combo win.
Winota, Joiner of Forces is a cEDH commander that capitalizes on non-human attackers to cheat powerful humans into play, enabling explosive board states and aggressive combo lines.
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom is a cEDH commander that excels in combat-based infinite mana combos and overwhelming board presence through warrior token generation and synergistic attack triggers.
Tymna Kraum (Blue Farm) is a midrange deck combining strong card draw and interaction with explosive combo wins.
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow is a cEDH commander that exploits ninjutsu and top-deck manipulation to deal explosive damage, generate card advantage, and fuel tempo-based strategies.
Kinnan is a mana-centric combo deck that uses ramp and powerful payoffs to generate infinite resources and secure victory efficiently.