Stella Lee
Deck Statistics
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Conversion Rate
[[Stella Lee, Wild Card]], excels as a fast combo deck that utilizes multiple one-card combos to win at instant speed, with a backup grind plan built around value-generating permanents like [[The One Ring]]. The deck's key strengths lie in its commander’s synergy with spells and its ability to pivot between turbo aggression and midrange adaptability.
Why Play Stella Lee?
Access to several one-card win conditions.
Highly interactive, with strong counterspell and removal suites.
Compact combo package allows for more deck slots dedicated to interaction and value.
Reliant on Stella Lee’s presence on the battlefield.
Vulnerable to stax effects and targeted removal.
Lacks the color diversity of three- or four-color decks.
When deciding on a starting hand, prioritize:
Fast Mana: [[Chrome Mox]], [[Mox Diamond]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Arcane Signet]], or [[Sol Ring]].
Proactive Plan: Combos, tutors, or draw engines like [[Mystic Remora]] or [[The One Ring]].
Interaction: Countermagic or removal to protect Stella or disrupt opponents.
Game Plan
Early Development
Mulligan aggressively for an early [[Stella Lee, Wild Card]] or card advantage engine ([[Rhystic Study]], [[Mystic Remora]], [[The One Ring]]).
Protect Stella Lee with counterspells or creatures like [[Spellskite]] before attempting to combo.
Combo Execution
Cast 2+ spells to enable Stella’s abilities and resolve a one-card combo to win.
Use interaction to disrupt opposing threats or protect your own combo lines.
Midrange Adaptation
In slower games, rely on value engines like [[The One Ring]] to outgrind opponents while holding interaction.
Combos & Win Conditions
Stella Lee Combos
Each of these spells can win the game by interacting with [[Stella Lee, Wild Card]]:
[[Cerulean Wisps]] – Draw your deck.
[[Refocus]] – Draw your deck.
[[Twitch]] – Draw your deck.
[[Vengeful Possession]] – Draw your deck.
[[Twisted Fealty]] – Infinite damage using Wicked Role tokens.
[[Twinflame]] (Strived) – Infinite hasty creatures (requires one other creature in play).
Cast at least two other spells before casting one of the above cards.
Cast the chosen combo spell, holding priority.
Activate Stella Lee, targeting the combo spell.
Let the copy resolve, untapping Stella and (if applicable) drawing a card.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you’ve drawn your deck.
Stella Lee + [[Twisted Fealty]]: Infinite Damage with Wicked Role Tokens
Cast at least two other spells before casting [[Twisted Fealty]].
Cast [[Twisted Fealty]], targeting [[Stella Lee, Wild Card]], and hold priority.
Activate Stella, targeting [[Twisted Fealty]].
Let the copy resolve to untap Stella and create a Wicked Role token.
Repeat Step 3 to replace the Wicked Role token infinitely, draining your opponents for 1 life per replacement.
[[Dramatic Reversal]] + [[The One Ring]]
Generate infinite card draw by untapping [[The One Ring]] repeatedly.
[[Dramatic Reversal]] + [[Sensei's Divining Top]]
Use Stella to repeatedly activate [[Sensei’s Divining Top]] and draw your deck.
[[Dramatic Reversal]] + [[Den of the Bugbear]]
Generate infinite mana to activate [[Den of the Bugbear]], creating infinite attackers.
[[Frantic Search]] + [[Minamo, School at Water’s Edge]]
Repeatedly loot your deck and generate mana by untapping [[Minamo, School at Water’s Edge]] and lands.
Other Combos
[[Dualcaster Mage]] + [[Twinflame]]
Copy [[Twinflame]] with [[Dualcaster Mage]] to create infinite hasty creatures.
[[Underworld Breach]] + [[Brain Freeze]] + [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] (or [[Lotus Petal]])
Cast [[Underworld Breach]] (requires [[symbol:1]] [[symbol:r]]).
Cast [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and sacrifice it for [[symbol:u]] [[symbol:u]] [[symbol:u]].
Escape [[Brain Freeze]] targeting yourself to mill your deck.
Continue looping [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and [[Brain Freeze]] until you mill your library and win with another combo or by milling out your opponents with [[Brain Freeze]].
Tips for Counting to Three
Stella Lee’s combos often require casting at least two spells before activating her ability. Here are some strategies:
Tutors: Use cards like [[Mystical Tutor]] or [[Merchant Scroll]] as your first spell to find combo pieces.
Cantrips: Cast low-cost draw spells ([[Ponder]], [[Opt]]) to dig for additional spells.
Interaction: Wait until an opponent’s win attempt and use your counterspells to enable Stella Lee.
Hold Cards: Save free spells ([[Gitaxian Probe]], [[Lotus Petal]]) for your combo turn.
Adapting to the Meta
Against Turbo
Prioritize tax effects like [[Mystic Remora]] and [[Rhystic Study]]. Use counterspells to disrupt their win attempts.
Against Stax
Play removal ([[Cyclonic Rift]], [[Chain of Vapor]]) to clear stax pieces.
Against Midrange
Leverage [[The One Ring]] and other card advantage tools to outgrind opponents.
[[Stella Lee, Wild Card]], represents a flexible and powerful addition to the cEDH landscape, blending compact combo packages, interactive gameplay, and midrange resilience. With thoughtful play and strategic adaptation, Stella Lee decks can thrive in a wide range of competitive pods.
Stella Lee Count to Three
Clever Knife Joke