Malcolm Vial

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[[Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator]] paired with [[Vial Smasher the Fierce]] is a high-octane Grixis turbo deck that leverages Malcolm’s Treasure generation and Vial Smasher’s burn potential to execute fast and resilient combo wins. This deck combines efficient ramp, disruption, and streamlined combos to exploit Malcolm’s mana-producing ability alongside the damage-dealing power of Vial Smasher. With its ability to pivot between turbo combo play and grindy midrange strategies, Malcolm & Vial Smasher stands out as a versatile powerhouse in cEDH.

Why Play Malcolm & Vial Smasher?

You’ll enjoy this deck if:

  • You appreciate proactive, fast-paced gameplay with explosive finishes.

  • You like leveraging underappreciated synergies like Pirate tribal and Treasure mechanics.

  • You want a commander pair that can adapt to various pod compositions and game states.

You might not enjoy this deck if:

  • You prefer slower, control-oriented strategies.

  • You want card draw in the command zone for consistency.

  • You dislike linear or ritual-based combo decks.

Game Plan

Malcolm & Vial Smasher plays a turbo-oriented strategy with the flexibility to pivot to a more midrange grind plan when necessary.

  1. Turbo Combo: Rush Malcolm onto the field to generate mana advantage quickly, enabling early combo setups with cards like Glint-Horn Buccaneer or Underworld Breach.

  2. Resilient Combos: Utilize a mix of deterministic combos and backup plans to win through common stax effects like Rule of Law or Collector Ouphe.

  3. Grind and Burn: Transition to a midrange game plan if early combos are disrupted, leaning on Vial Smasher’s damage output and Malcolm’s mana generation.


Malcolm Combos

Malcolm + [[Glint-Horn Buccaneer]]

  • Pieces: [[Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator]] + [[Glint-Horn Buccaneer]].

  • Cost: [[symbol:1]][[symbol:r]][[symbol:r]]

  • How It Works:

    1. Cast [[Glint-Horn Buccaneer]].

    2. Attack with Malcolm and [[Glint-Horn Buccaneer]], each at a different opponent.

    3. Malcolm generates 2 Treasures (one for each opponent damaged).

    4. Still during combat, activate [[Glint-Horn Buccaneer]]’s ability for [[symbol:1]][[symbol:r]], discarding a card to deal 1 damage to each opponent.

    5. Malcolm generates 3 Treasures (one for each opponent damaged).

    6. Use the Treasures to activate Buccaneer again, repeating the loop until all opponents are dead.

Malcolm + [[Mayhem Devil]]+ [[Artificial Evolution]]

  • Pieces: [[Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator]], [[Mayhem Devil]], [[Artificial Evolution]] (to turn [[Mayhem Devil]] into a Pirate).

  • Cost: 5 mana.

  • How It Works:

    1. Make [[Mayhem Devil]] a pirate using [[Artificial Evolution]].

    2. Sacrifice a Treasure, triggering [[Mayhem Devil]] to deal 1 damage to an opponent.

    3. Malcolm generates a new Treasure. Sacrifice to float one mana of any color, triggering [[Mayhem Devil]].

    4. Repeat for infinite damage and mana.

Other Combos

[[Underworld Breach]] + [[Brain Freeze]] + [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]]

  1. Cast [[Underworld Breach]] (requires [[symbol:1]] [[symbol:r]]).

  2. Cast [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and sacrifice it for [[symbol:u]] [[symbol:u]] [[symbol:u]].

  3. Escape [[Brain Freeze]] targeting yourself to mill your deck.

  4. Continue looping [[Lion’s Eye Diamond]] and [[Brain Freeze]] until you mill your library win with [[Thassa’s Oracle]] or deck your opponents with [[Brain Freeze]].

[[Thassa’s Oracle]] + [[Demonic Consultation]] or [[Tainted Pact]]

  1. Cast [[Thassa’s Oracle]] ([[symbol:1]] [[symbol:u]]).

  2. Respond to the ETB trigger with [[Demonic Consultation]] ([[symbol:b]]) or [[Tainted Pact]] ([[symbol:1]] [[symbol:b]]).

  3. Exile your library to win.


  1. [[Ad Nauseam]]: A defining card for turbo strategies, Ad Naus allows you to dig deep into your deck to assemble combo pieces quickly. Its low average mana cost and Treasure-fueled mana production make this a cornerstone payoff.

  2. [[Necropotence]]: Provides unparalleled card advantage, letting you stockpile resources for combo turns. Pair it with mana from Treasures for explosive plays.

  3. [[Mnemonic Betrayal]]: Turns opponents’ graveyards into a resource, often enabling a win by casting crucial spells left behind. With Malcolm’s Treasure generation, Betrayal becomes a potent payoff to capitalize on disruption-heavy games.

  4. [[Underworld Breach]]: A primary combo engine that enables infinite loops or recursive value. Use it to replay key spells like Brain Freeze, rituals, or tutors, often ending the game outright.

  5. [[Intuition]]: A versatile card that creates win-on-the-spot piles with [[Underworld Breach]], [[Glint-Horn Buccaneer]], or reanimation effects. It’s an efficient tutor that also doubles as setup for graveyard-based combos.

Mulligan Guide

When deciding to keep a hand:

  1. Early Malcolm or Payoff: Prioritize hands that enable a turn 1 or 2 Malcolm or include card advantage pieces like Rhystic Study or Mystic Remora.

  2. Fast Mana: Look for hands with ramp tools like [[Lotus Petal]], [[Chrome Mox]], or [[Rite of Flame]] to accelerate your game plan.

  3. Interaction: Ensure at least one piece of disruption like [[Fierce Guardianship]] or [[Deflecting Swat]] to protect your combo lines.

Tips for Piloting Malcolm & Vial Smasher

Early Game

  • Resolve Malcolm as quickly as possible to generate Treasures and set up for your combo.

  • Focus on establishing card draw or Treasure-based engines like [[Rhystic Study]], [[Mystic Remora]], or [[Professional Face-Breaker]].

Mid Game

  • Begin setting up one-card win conditions like [[Glint-Horn Buccaneer]] or [[Underworld Breach]].

  • Use [[Vial Smasher, the Fierce]] to pressure life totals, especially in slower games.

Late Game

  • Transition to backup win conditions if primary combos are disrupted.

  • Use Vial Smasher’s damage output and Malcolm’s mana production to maintain pressure and rebuild your resources.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Fast and Resilient: Can win early and recover well from disruption.

  • Flexible Game Plan: Multiple win conditions allow adaptation to various metas.

  • Treasure Synergies: Leverages Malcolm’s Treasure production for ramp and value.


  • Reliant on Malcolm: Losing Malcolm early can slow down the deck significantly.

  • Weak to Stax: Null Rod and Collector Ouphe severely hamper Treasure-based strategies.

  • No Card Advantage in the Command Zone: Requires consistent card draw or combo setups to maintain momentum.


Malcolm & Vial Smasher is a dynamic and powerful cEDH deck that rewards players who enjoy proactive strategies with diverse paths to victory. Its combination of Treasure production, efficient combos, and burn damage creates a uniquely Grixis experience that’s both competitive and fun to pilot.

Pirates n Gobos
Scurvy Speedrun



