Krark Sakashima

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Krark Sakashima is a competitive Izzet deck that combines explosive storm strategies with quirky coin-flipping mechanics. The deck leverages Krark, the Thumbless's ability to copy or bounce instants and sorceries, alongside Sakashima of a Thousand Faces to multiply the number of triggers. It thrives in chaotic, interactive games, creating deterministic loops or outvaluing opponents with consistent spellcasting.

This deck is for players who enjoy high-stakes gameplay, intricate decision-making, and a bit of randomness to spice up their turns. Despite its unique playstyle, Krark Sakashima is a powerhouse capable of winning as early as turn 3 while adapting to longer, grindier games.

Why Play Krark Sakashima?

You’ll love this deck if:

  • You enjoy the thrill of coin flips and the chaos of probability.

  • You like storming off with intricate combos.

  • You want to combine value, control, and explosive combo potential in a single deck.

You might not enjoy this deck if:

  • You dislike randomness and unpredictability in your gameplay.

  • You prefer straightforward or linear strategies.

  • You want to avoid prolonged turns or complicated stack interactions.

Game Plan

Krark Sakashima operates by multiplying coin-flip triggers to generate massive value from low-cost spells. The deck can adapt to different playstyles depending on the board state:

Core Strategies

  1. Storm Off: Use Krark’s ability to copy and bounce instants and sorceries, generating value and digging for win conditions.

  2. Deterministic Loops: Assemble combos using Krark triggers and recursion tools like [[Underworld Breach]] to create infinite mana, infinite damage, or infinite copies.

  3. Interaction and Value: Use Krark’s ability to replay spells for additional interaction or card advantage, forcing opponents to waste resources while setting up your win.


Dualcaster Mage + Copy Spells

  • Core Pieces: [[Dualcaster Mage]] + [[Twinflame]]/[[Heat Shimmer]]/[[Molten Duplication]]/[[Electroduplicate]].

  • How It Works:

    1. Cast a copy spell like [[Twinflame]] targeting any creature.

    2. Hold priority and cast [[Dualcaster Mage]], targeting the copy spell with its ETB.

    3. Copy the spell, targeting [[Dualcaster Mage]].

    4. Create infinite hasty tokens of [[Dualcaster Mage]] to attack for lethal.

Underworld Breach + Brain Freeze

  • Core Pieces: [[Underworld Breach]], [[Brain Freeze]], and a recursive mana source like [[Lotus Petal]] or [[Mana Vault]].

  • How It Works:

    1. Cast [[Underworld Breach]].

    2. Use a mana source to cast and escape [[Brain Freeze]], targeting yourself to mill cards.

    3. Escape the mana source and [[Brain Freeze]] repeatedly, filling your graveyard and generating infinite storm.

    4. Use the storm count to mill opponents or find additional win conditions.

Infinite Copies with [[Twinflame]], [[Molten Duplication]], [[Heat Shimmer]], or [[Electroduplicate]]

  • Combo Requirements:

    • You control a source of [[Krark, the Thumbless]] triggers and another permanent that generates Krark triggers (e.g., [[Harmonic Prodigy]] or [[Sakashima of a Thousand Faces]] copying Krark).

    • You have a mana-generating source that provides resources during the loop (e.g., [[Tavern Scoundrel]], [[Relic of Legends]], or [[Storm-Kiln Artist]]).

    • You have one of the above copy spells in hand.

  • Execution:

    • Cast one of the copy spells (e.g., [[Twinflame]]) targeting a source of Krark triggers.

    • Krark's triggered ability will resolve, prompting you to flip a coin for the spell.

      • Win Flip: The spell returns to your hand, allowing you to cast it again.

      • Lose Flip: The spell resolves and creates a token copy of the chosen permanent (e.g., another Krark copy).

    • Continue casting the spell repeatedly, targeting Krark triggers and a mana source in the same loop.

    • The creation of additional Krark copies amplifies the number of triggers with each cast, exponentially increasing your ability to sustain the loop.

    • As you alternate between winning and losing flips, the odds of successfully looping indefinitely rise, achieving an arbitrarily large number of Krark copies.

  • Result:

    • You generate infinite Krark copies with haste or infinite mana through the interaction with the mana-generating source. Move to combat to swing and deal lethal damage.

    • You also gain access to infinite coin flips, enabling secondary combos (e.g., [[Tavern Scoundrel]] for infinite treasures).

Infinite [[Pinnacle Monk]] Tokens with Haste

  • Combo Requirements:

    • A copy spell ([[Twinflame]], [[Molten Duplication]], [[Heat Shimmer]], or [[Electroduplicate]]) that can target your [[Pinnacle Monk]] token.

    • A setup that allows the spell to refund its cost or generate more mana per iteration than it consumes:

      • [[Storm-Kiln Artist]] producing treasures for each cast.

      • [[Tavern Scoundrel]] creating treasures upon winning flips.

  • Execution:

    • Cast the copy spell targeting the [[Pinnacle Monk]] token, triggering Krark and the mana engine.

    • Each resolution of the spell will either:

      • Return the spell to your hand (win flip), refunding mana through your mana engine.

      • Resolve the spell (lose flip), creating an additional [[Pinnacle Monk]] token with haste.

    • As you repeat the process, the tokens multiply while maintaining haste.

  • Result:

    • You generate infinite [[Pinnacle Monk]] tokens with haste, creating a game-winning combat state.

Krark Storm

  • Core Pieces: Krark, Sakashima-as-Krark, and low-cost spells (e.g., [[Rite of Flame]], [[Gitaxian Probe]]).

  • How It Works:

    1. With two Krarks on board, cast a spell like [[Rite of Flame]].

    2. On a successful flip, the spell copies, adding value or mana.

    3. On a failed flip, the spell returns to your hand, allowing you to cast it again.

    4. Repeat this process, generating resources and increasing storm count.

    5. Cast a payoff spell like [[Mind’s Desire]] or [[Grapeshot]] to kill the table or find a win condition.

Displacer Kitten Storm

  • Core Pieces: [[Displacer Kitten]], Krark, and spells to flicker mana-producing artifacts or other enablers.

  • How It Works:

    1. Cast a spell, triggering [[Displacer Kitten]] to flicker an artifact like [[Lotus Petal]] or [[Storm-Kiln Artist]].

    2. Generate mana and recast the spell repeatedly to fuel your storm count or dig for a win condition.

Notable Synergies

  • [[Harmonic Prodigy]]: Doubles Krark triggers and synergizes with Magecraft abilities.

  • [[Storm-Kiln Artist]]: Creates Treasure tokens for each spell cast, fueling storm turns.

  • [[Birgi, God of Storytelling]]: Generates mana for every spell cast, enabling extended storm turns.

  • [[Tavern Scoundrel]]: Provides additional value from coin flips, generating Treasures.

Mulligan Guide

When deciding whether to mulligan, prioritize:

  1. Fast Mana: Ensure you can cast Krark or Sakashima early with cards like [[Rite of Flame]], [[Lotus Petal]], or [[Mox Amber]].

  2. Interaction: Keep 1-2 pieces of counterplay (e.g., [[Fierce Guardianship]], [[Red Elemental Blast]]) to disrupt opponents.

  3. Cantrips: Have at least one spell like [[Gitaxian Probe]] or [[Ponder]] to start generating value with Krark triggers.

Tips for Piloting Krark Sakashima

Early Game

  • Focus on resolving Krark or Sakashima early, ideally by turn 2.

  • Begin generating value from low-cost instants and sorceries to maintain interaction and card advantage.

  • Avoid becoming the primary threat too early, as opponents will prioritize removing your key pieces.

Mid Game

  • Assemble key components like [[Underworld Breach]], [[Dualcaster Mage]], or storm enablers to prepare for a win.

  • Use Krark’s ability to replay critical spells like counterspells or bounce effects for additional disruption.

  • Keep an eye on opponents’ attempts to win and leverage your interaction accordingly.

Late Game

  • Look for windows to execute a deterministic loop or storm turn.

  • Use tools like [[Emergence Zone]] or [[Borne Upon a Wind]] to play at instant speed and bypass interaction.

  • If disrupted, pivot into value plays to rebuild and outlast opponents.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Highly flexible win conditions.

  • Resilient to disruption due to spell recursion and redundancy.

  • Can adapt to stax-heavy or interactive metas.


  • Reliant on Krark or Sakashima to maximize value.

  • Vulnerable to removal and stax pieces like [[Drannith Magistrate]] or [[Rule of Law]].

  • Risk of prolonged turns and complex stack interactions.


Krark Sakashima is an engaging, chaotic, and explosive deck that rewards creative play and strategic thinking. Whether you’re storming off, creating infinite loops, or simply flipping coins for value, this deck offers unique gameplay experiences while maintaining competitive viability. Embrace the chaos, and may the flips be ever in your favor!



