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[[Glarb, Calamity’s Augur]] is a unique commander that combines card selection, consistent land drops, and interaction to dominate games. It can grind opponents out with card advantage or pivot into explosive combo wins. This deck focuses heavily on [[Doomsday]] as a one-card win condition but also leverages other synergistic engines and value cards.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Versatile Win Conditions: [[Doomsday]] and [[Thassa’s Oracle]] lines are resilient and difficult to interact with.

  • Grind Potential: Glarb generates card advantage over time and out-values opponents in longer games.

  • Interaction Density: Packed with removal, counterspells, and disruption to control the board and protect win attempts.


  • Dependency on Glarb: Many strategies hinge on having Glarb on the battlefield. Removing or taxing Glarb significantly hampers the deck.

  • Stax Vulnerability: Effects like [[Opposition Agent]] and [[Aven Mindcensor]] can shut down key lines, especially [[Doomsday]].

  • Predictable Win Conditions: Relies on [[Thassa’s Oracle]] and [[Doomsday]], which can be prepared for and disrupted by experienced opponents.



  • Goals: Assemble a fast [[Doomsday]] win or set up interaction and card advantage to outlast opponents.

  • Ideal Hand: A mix of ramp, card draw, and interaction, such as [[Mystic Remora]], [[Demonic Tutor]], and mana acceleration.

  • Versus Turbo Decks: Prioritize interaction and quick setups to disrupt early wins.

  • Versus Stax Decks: Mulligan aggressively for removal and ways to fight through stax pieces.

Win Conditions

Thassa’s Oracle + Demonic Consultation/Tainted Pact

This classic cEDH win condition involves resolving [[Thassa’s Oracle]] and exiling your library with [[Demonic Consultation]] or [[Tainted Pact]]. It’s efficient, reliable, and well-supported by the deck’s tutors and card selection.


Primary Combos

  1. [[Thassa’s Oracle]] + [[Demonic Consultation]] or [[Tainted Pact]]

    • Resolve [[Thassa’s Oracle]].

    • While its ETB trigger is on the stack, cast [[Demonic Consultation]] or [[Tainted Pact]] to exile your library and win.

  2. [[Doomsday]]

    • Resolve [[Doomsday]] to create a 5-card pile tailored to your hand and board state. Examples:

      • Pile: [[Gush]], [[Lotus Petal]], [[Mox Diamond]], [[Thassa’s Oracle]], [[Cavern of Souls]]

      • Use Glarb’s abilities to access the pile, resolve Oracle, and secure the win.

  3. [[Necropotence]] + [[Borne Upon A Wind]]

    • Exile your deck at end of turn using [[Necropotence]] and set up an instant-speed win with [[Thassa’s Oracle]] or [[Valley Floodcaller]].


Glarb offers a blend of interaction, value, and explosiveness, making it a versatile and rewarding commander. Its consistency and ability to adapt to various game states make it a formidable choice in the cEDH meta.

Doomsday FrAugur


Master of Keys


Francisco Thrasios